- Dramatically Increase Children's Attendance and Participation in Services
- Designed for Parents and Children, Singles, and EldersTogether!
- Stimulating and Spiritually Uplifting Learning and Worship
- New melodies for the Traditional Liturgy that Enliven and Deepen Davening
- Build Congregational Participation and Membership
- Foster Congregational Family and Community
- Conducted at Your Temple or Synagogue
- Geared for Participants With Minimal Jewish Education
- Balances Traditional and Innovative Learning, Liturgy, and Music
- Tools to Extend Shabbaton Experience and Congregational Development
Schedule of Activities
- Readers Theatre Devar Torah Preparation [late Thursday afternoon]
- Family Workshop on Shabbat Practices [early Thursday evening]
- Overview of GTP Congregational Development Model [Friday morning]
- Children's Service [Friday evening]
- Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv Services [Friday evening]
- Readers Theatre Devar Torah [Friday evening or Shabbat morning]
- Rabbi's Tisch (and Potluck Dinner) [Friday evening]
- BBVR (Bible Biological Virtual Reality) Hebrew Class [Shabbat morning]
- Learners' Shaharit, Torah & Musaf Services [Shabbat morning]
- Torah Shmooze [Shabbat afternoon]
- Havdalah [early Saturday evening]
- Couples Workshop on Blessings for Love-Making [Saturday evening]
- Leadership Review & Planning Session [Sunday morning]
. . . for more info about
Family Shabbaton Plus